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The Ring - CCxA

Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022

The Ontario Association of Landscape Architects (OALA) is joining the growing number of professional organizations and other groups concerned about Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, announced on October 25, 2022.

Bill 23 proposes some major changes to the land use planning process to address the province’s housing crisis by building 1.5 million homes over the next 10 years.

The amendments proposed by Bill 23 have significant and direct impacts on the scope of our work and our professional interests, as well as the health and safety of all Ontario residents.

The OALA appreciates and supports advancing legislation and programs that address the current housing affordability crisis in Ontario. However, the Association believes that the Bill, as proposed, also includes changes to existing legislation which would undermine essential social, environmental and cultural interests of rural and urban communities, affecting the health, safety and well-being of all citizens of Ontario.

OALA is a resource to provide expertise to the Ontario government with constructive advice on amendments to Bill 23 to balance the need for housing with responsible development oversight.

Click here to read the OALA letter dated November 15, 2022.

OALA response letter explains the impact Bill 23 will have on the profession of landscape architecture in Ontario, specifically as it would relate to impacts on:

  • Site Planning and the Public Realm
  • Parkland Dedication
  • The Role of Conservation Authorities
  • Public Interest

OALA looks forward to collaborating with relevant groups and the government on ensuring development meets the housing needs of the province, while ensuring a sustainable and liveable community.