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Harbourfront Centre at York Quay - Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Inc.

Advertise & Sponsor

OALA has many opportunities to put your business, product or service in front of landscape architects across Ontario. Advertising and event sponsorship play a key role in helping the Association continue to create more networking opportunities for you and our members in the future.

Advertising Opportunities

Ground Magazine

Ground Landscape Architect Quarterly is published by the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects and provides an open forum for the exchange of ideas and information related to the profession of landscape architecture. Ground is distributed to over 2000 readers including OALA members and related professionals and has recently introduced a subscription option.

Learn more about advertising in Ground

OALA E-Newsletter

The OALA E-Newsletter is distributed at the beginning of each month, sharing OALA news, events, member accomplishments and updates in the world of landscape architecture. Advertising opportunities are available. Learn more about advertising in our Association newsletter

OALA CE Newsletter

The OALA CE Newsletter is distributed monthly, focusing on upcoming webinars, events, recordings and resources. Learn more about the available advertising opportunities.

OALA Source Guide

OALA works with MediaEdge to offer a new Source Guide for our members. This directory is available both in print and online, and is circulated to the membership in the fall. For more information, please view the media kit.

Event Sponsorship Opportunities

Join the OALA Sponsorship Mailing List to receive updates

direct to your inbox.

OALA Conference

The OALA Conference is a yearly Conference hosted in either the Spring or Fall. The conference hosts a one-day trade show allowing suppliers to showcase their company and products and ranges from table top to pipe & drape exhibits, depending on the venue.
Conference sponsorship opportunities allow for further recognition and additional benefits including advertising and attendance opportunities. 

OALA Golf Day - Fundraiser

This event is a fundraiser for the OALA endowment fund that contributes to the landscape architecture programs at the University of Guelph and Toronto. Golf Day takes place every August and is an excellent opportunity to network with OALA members, spend a day golfing with clients or co-workers, win prizes and raise money for a great cause. Sponsoring Golf Day includes opportunities such as feature hole displays & contests, logo recognition on giveaways, prizes and more.

OALA Ski Day - Fundraiser

This event is a fundraiser for the OALA endowment fund that contributes to the landscape architecture programs at the University of Guelph and Toronto. Ski Day takes place every February in Collingwood, ON and is an excellent opportunity to network with OALA members, ski/snowboard or snow shoe, win prizes and raise money for a great cause. 

OALA Social Committee Events

Throughout the year, the OALA Social Committee hosts events to bring members together across the province. Some events are sponsored to allow for more accessible attendance fees. Sponsored events have included holiday parties and an annual bowling night.