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Path to Membership

There are various options through which an individual may be eligible to apply to become a Full Member of the Association. Eligibility of full membership for applicants is based on an assessment of relevant education, experience, and examination.

Internationally trained applicants are eligible to apply for membership in the OALA and follow the same Path to Full Membership as those from Ontario.

See the Path to Full Membership Infographic 

Step 1: Study Landscape Architecture and Become a Student Member

Become a Student Member: Sign up to become a Student Member to stay up to date with the profession and receive association newsletters and event notifications.

Study in an accredited program: Information on accredited programs can be found in the OALA Handbook, Section 7.2 - Education Requirements.

Study in a non-accredited program
: Individuals who have graduated from a related, but non-accredited program, must complete a minimum of four (4) years of relevant professional landscape architectural experience (post-graduation) to apply for Intern membership.

Step 2: Become an Intern Member (landscape architectural intern)

Only those who are interested in becoming a Full Member in the Association should apply for membership as an Intern member. Those who do not aspire to become a Full Member, but are interested in the profession of landscape architecture, should apply for membership under the Affiliate category.

Individuals who have completed a Bachelor or Master degree in landscape architecture – Persons who possess a bachelor or master of landscape architecture degree from an institution recognized by OALA are eligible to apply for Intern status immediately upon graduation. To learn more about recognized degrees and education requirements, please review page 6 of Section 7.2 of the OALA Handbook: Education Requirements.

Individuals who have completed other related education – Persons who possess other related degrees, and diplomas, and who have a minimum of four (4) years of relevant professional landscape architectural experience (post-graduation from the related degree), are eligible to apply for Intern status.

Upon acceptance as an Intern member, individuals with an accredited degree will be assigned a minimum two-year period in OALA’s Professional Development Program (PDP). Individuals with a non-accredited degree will be assigned a minimum four-year period in OALA’s PDP. The assigned PDP period cannot be reduced.

Before applying to become a Full Member and becoming entitled to all privileges of full membership, including the use of the title ‘landscape architect,’ Intern members must first complete all components of the Professional Development Program (PDP) including experience reporting, the Independent Course of Study (ICS) and the Landscape Architect Registration Examination (L.A.R.E.).

Step 3: Become a Full Member

An individual who has successfully completed the Professional Development Program (PDP), independent course of study, and passed at least three of the Landscape Architect Registration Examinations (L.A.R.E.), is eligible to apply to become a Full Member.

Senior Practitioners

Persons who have a minimum of twelve years of progressively responsible experience as a landscape architect in a professional environment, who possess either a bachelor or master of landscape architecture degree from an institution recognized by OALA are considered to be senior practitioners and are eligible to apply for full membership through the Senior Oral Examination process.

Candidates with equivalent membership in an equivalent Canadian organization* and/or who are CLARB-certified

*Equivalent Canadian Organizations are those who are regulated and have equivalent education, experience and examination requirements to the OALA. In 2024, these include the Alberta Association of Landscape Architects (AALA) and the British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects (BCSLA).

Persons who are certified full members (or equivalent) in an organization equivalent to the OALA and recognized by the OALA are eligible to apply for full membership through this option.