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Harbourfront Centre at York Quay - Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Inc.

City of Ottawa Planning Advisory Committee

The City of Ottawa’s Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) is currently recruiting a practicing landscape architect and member of OALA to join their committee. 

The mandate of the PAC is to advise the City specifically with respect to the Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department’s policy priorities and work plan. 

The composition of the PAC provides for input from community representatives, the development industry, major non-residential property owners, professional groups who interact regularly with the City’s planning process, and residents drawn from the urban, suburban and rural areas of the city.

Further information about the PAC and its mandate is available at ottawa.ca/committees.

The deadline for applications is Thursday, August 24, at 4:30 p.m. Please be advised that according to the City’s Appointment Policy, the nominees must be a resident of the City of Ottawa, at least 18 years of age, and not an employee of the City of Ottawa, to be eligible.