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Thorbjorn Andersson - Let's Talk About Sustainability!

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  • Thursday, February 29, 2024 · 12:00pm - 1:00pm

The most urgent topic today for all professional groups everywhere must be how to give our planet and its inhabitants possibilities to survive. Never before has the professional field of landscape architects shifted its goals so quickly as we have seen over the last few years only. The focus for landscape architecture nowadays is clearly sustainability.  Storm water parks, heat islands, fire proof grasses, taming the high winds, preventing river flooding, sustain biodiversity have taken the place of design services. This creates a dilemma for the professional group. Is there a way to contain both core values within the field such as planning and design with climate change red alert issues? Is our profession becoming a completely new one, requiring new competences which we are currently not being trained for?

Zoom Registration - https://umanitoba.ca/architecture/2023-2024-events-thorbjorn-andersson-lets-talk-about-sustainability

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