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OALA Family Ski And Snow Day - Fundraiser

This event is no longer available.
OALA Family Ski And Snow Day - Fundraiser

  • Friday, February 09, 2024 · 8:00am - 5:00pm

  • Friday, January 12, 2024 · 11:00am

Join us for this annual Fundraising Event - OALA Family Ski and Snow Day
A fun-filled day of outdoor activities where you can choose between snowboarding, skiing, snowshoeing or skating!
You can support this important fundraiser by joining and bringing your best friends, family, and colleagues to enjoy the winter weather and help raise money for the universities of Guelph and Toronto. It's not easy being a la student and Ski Day tries to alleviate some of the high costs of education by providing scholarships, as well as contributing to fees associated with bringing in world-renowned guest lecturers helping to ensure the highest level of graduates.
This is a highly popular event and we encourage you to sign up early!

EQUIPMENT RENTAL : Payments for equipment rentals are processed at time of booking, cancellations must be made through [email protected], and rentals can now be submitted up until 8am the day before your ski day. Please ensure you include "OALA" as your group name.

Once again, OALA Family Ski and Snow Day will be held at the
17-242 Arrowhead Road
Blue Mountains, ON
L9Y 0S1
Email: [email protected]


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