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Transit - Oriented Development Symposium

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  • Wednesday, March 06, 2024 - Thursday, March 07, 2024

CONTACT: AIMI NAJWA - [email protected]

Canada welcomed a notable 431,645 immigrants in 2022 with 35% settling in the Toronto region and it
plans to keep setting records for the next three years, reaching a half million arrivals in 2025. Building
TODs has the potential to address the challenges on providing Ontarians and Canadians with more
accessible and affordable housing and connect people with job opportunities. Numerous transit-oriented
community developments will be built along the new 15-station subway line in Ontario with over 7,000
new housing units and 55,000 jobs are expected to be generated from these developments. With the
province’s decision to remove 7,400 acres of land from the Greenbelt to build housing, it provides
developers a golden ticket to get their shovels in the ground and begin work on these TOD communities.
The recent Ontario budget reaffirmed the government’s major plans for infrastructure development,
encompassing a commitment to allocate $145 billion from 2020 to 2030 specifically to undertake
significant investments in public transit. Besides Ontario, British Columbia also has allocated around $394
million for acquiring lands along major public transit corridors to build new affordable and market
housing buildings. Investing in transit-oriented developments will help transform the region, providing
future investors with more housing opportunities while leveraging the profit of future investments.
Transit-Oriented Development Symposium by Trueventus is aimed to create a premier destination for
professionals who are passionate about creating sustainable, livable, and connected urban spaces
centered around efficient transit systems. Also, showcasing case studies, and exploring innovative
approaches to designing, developing, and managing transit-oriented environments.

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