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Publisher’s Message

Celebrating 10 years of Ground: Landscape Architect Quarterly

Ground: Landscape Architect Quarterly, published by the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects, is a celebration of the practice of landscape architecture. Over the past ten years, in more than forty issues, Ground has featured articles that stretch across the breadth of the profession, from environmental and social issues to emerging trends and technologies, highlighting issues in Ontario and beyond.

Readership feedback and membership surveys confirm that Ground is one of the most valued OALA communication and information resources and one of the association’s best marketing tools; hence, we continue to share the magazine with a growing audience. Initiatives undertaken by the volunteer Editorial Board have included hosting public talks and sponsoring an award at the annual Grow Op exhibition. In 2016, we implemented an annual subscription option to expand readership beyond our OALA base audience. As well, Ground is sent to MPPS and to related professional associations, and the magazine has expanded online, offering articles that are linkable, searchable, and include extra content. The OALA recently hired a social media manager, and in 2016 created an Instagram account (@OALA_ON) that now has nearly 1,000 followers. Ground’s Twitter (@Groundmag) has seen a five-percent increase in followers since 2017. And Ground’s website page is the second most visited on the OALA website (the most visited is the job postings section).

To celebrate Ground’s 10-year milestone, we have compiled all the past issues’ articles, list of authors, and key summaries into a database accessible online. If you’re looking for a particular topic, you will be able to find it on our soon-to-be-posted online archive. Thank you to Lorraine Johnson, Karen May, Todd Smith, Katie Strang, and Angela Sweeting for compiling this complex database.

We would not have been able to achieve this milestone for the magazine without the dedication of the founding and long-time editor, Lorraine Johnson, the eight chairs and co-chairs, as well as the more than fifty Editorial Board and Advisory Panel members who have devoted their ideas and energy to the publication. A very big thank you, as well, to our creative graphic designer, Noël Nanton of typotherapy.

We look forward to the future of the magazine!

[email protected]