Winter’s shorter days often mean more time indoors, and time to reflect on matters of importance: our role in the world, sowing seeds of change, and the call to action on climate change are all ideas which resonate with the theme of death and renewal.
Landscape architecture is …
Through members’ efforts, we have been amplifying awareness of the role landscape architecture plays in designing our environment. We all need to continue to communicate why our work is so important to the future resilience of Ontario and Canada.
Sow Seeds of Change
Landscape architecture schools at the University of Toronto and Guelph offered Indigenous Cultural Competency training for students this fall. The program in Toronto was also open to OALA members. The intent was to increase effective communications, build sustainable relationships, and promote systems-based thinking concerning reconciliation.
Funding was provided, in part, with a donation from the OALA, on behalf of its over 250 volunteers.
DESIGN CLIMATE ACTION – mobilizing the design community to draw down carbon
On September 16, the IFLA declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency, calling on landscape architects to stand up for the values of the profession.
IFLA mapped out a six-point action plan for change, including local action. The formation of the DESIGN CLIMATE ACTION (DCA) group is one such example.
The climate strike march on September 27 galvanized landscape architects and design professionals to organize. Over 90 people attended a kick-off DCA meeting on November 7th (including me).
If you are interested in joining and/or participating in the discussions, please contact
The 2020 OALA AGM & Conference is taking place in London, Ontario, April 30 to May 2. Landscape architecture is about vision—our skill at seeing and responding to landscape and imagining possibilities— and I look forward to meeting you there and engaging in these important conversations with you!
[email protected]