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The Ring - CCxA

Editorial Board Message

Regular Ground readers will be familiar with the Round Table section we include in each issue. It’s a panel discussion on a theme with various experts from landscape architecture and related fields. As editor, I have the pleasure and problem of taking that conversation—usually just shy of an hour in length—and trimming it down for publication. “Pleasure,” because I get the unfiltered thoughts of a variety of very smart, interesting, and innovative people. “Problem,” because it’s often difficult to cut a conversation like that down: even some of the interesting parts have to go.

I’m grateful, then, to be able to share here some parting wisdom from this issue’s Round Table guest Eha Naylor, who said of landscape architects: “This is the best time we’ve had, honestly. Because the problems that are omnipresent are ones that we can really contribute to, and it’s exciting when you do a good job of it.”

This issue is about taking the new-found appreciation and energy around landscape that resulted from the pandemic, and moving it forward. Even in the face of supply chain issues, inflation, and a quickly-changing legislative landscape in this province.

As well, in these pages you’ll find a list of some particularly resilient native species of both flora and fauna, and some ideas about how to weave mental health and wellbeing into design (especially in the winter months now fairly in our rearview).

You’ll also find Millie Knapp’s column about the beauty found in a little bog, and a dispatch from Bali, Indonesia, about how one landscape legend lives on through his work.

I hope you enjoy our “Stayin’ Alive” issue, and another season of rejuvenation.

And, if you’d like to see your own words in these pages, don’t hesitate to send me your story ideas at the email below. We have some compelling themes for Fall and Winter, and we’re always looking for submissions.

[email protected]