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Bloor-Annex BIA Parkettes - DTAH, Toronto, ON

Ground 63

President's Message
Editorial Board Message
Parks: Ecological fire
Design: Student corner
Why Messiness Matters: The garden as a reciprocal healing journey
Round Table: Resilient chaos
The Wonderful Messiness of Multispecies Design
Sweeter Than Honey: Saving our native bees
Book Corner: Nutrua Urbana
Notes: A miscellany of news and events
Artifact: Asphalt jungle


Glyn Bowerman

Photo Editor
Jasper Flores

OALA Editorial Board
Saira Abdulrehman
Chris Canning

Tracy Cook
Ryan De Jong
Mark Hillmer
Helene Iardas
Matthew Lundstrom
Sarah MacLean
Sarah Manteuffel
Shahrzad Nezefati
Nadja Pausch
Carol Pietka
Dalia Todary-Michael
Natasha Varga
Jennifer Wan

Web Editor
Jennifer Foden

Social Media Manager
Jennifer Foden

Art Direction/Design
Noël Nanton/typotherapy

Advertising Inquiries
[email protected]

Ermine Moth larvae, by Barbara Eguchi, OALA. See page 08.

Ground: Landscape Architect Quarterly is published four times a year by Ontario Association of Landscape Architects.

Ontario Association of Landscape Architects
3 Church Street, Suite 506
Toronto, Ontario M5E 1M2
[email protected]

Copyright © 2023 by Ontario Association of Landscape Architects.
Contributors retain copyright of their work. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 0847-3080
Canada Post Sales Product Agreement No. 40026106

2023-2024 OALA Governing Council

Stefan Fediuk

Vice President
Aaron Hirota

Cameron Smith

Justin Whalen

Past President
Steve Barnhart

Matthew Campbell
Matt Perotto
Shawn Watters

Associate Councillor—Senior
Layal Bitar

Associate Councillor—Junior
Sujana Devabhaktuni

Lay Councillor
Karen Liu

Appointed Educator University of Guelph
Afshin Ashari

Appointed Educator University of Toronto
Adrienne Kou

University of Guelph Student Representative
Allison Neuhauser

University of Toronto Student Representative
Guiliana Costanzo

OALA Staff

Executive Director
Aina Budrevics

Ingrid Little 

Sherry Bagnato

Membership Services Administrator
Angie Anselmo

About Ground
Ground: Landscape Architect Quarterly is published by Ontario Association of Landscape Architects and provides an open forum for the exchange of ideas and information related to the profession of landscape architecture. Letters to the editor, article proposals, and feedback are encouraged. For submission guidelines, contact Ground at [email protected]. Ground reserves the right to edit all submissions. The views expressed in the magazine are those of the writers and not necessarily the views of OALA and its Governing Council.

Upcoming Issues of Ground
Ground 64 (Winter) Seen/Unseen
Ground 65 (Spring) Adapt – Deadline for editorial proposals January 8, 2024; Deadline for advertising space reservations January 22, 2024
Ground 66 (Summer) Joy – Deadline for editorial proposals March 11, 2024; Deadline for advertising space reservations April 15, 20244
Now seeking submissions at [email protected]

About OALA
The Ontario Association of Landscape Architects works to promote and advance the profession of landscape architecture and maintain standards of professional practice consistent with the public interest. OALA promotes public understanding of the profession and the advancement of the practice of landscape architecture. In support of the improvement and/or conservation of the natural, cultural, social and built environments, OALA undertakes activities including promotion to governments, professionals and developers of the standards and benefits of landscape architecture.

Ground Needs You
Ground relies on OALA members, people from related professions, and those simply passionate about landscapes. If you would like to contribute in any form, whether it’s writing, photography, or participating as a member of our Editorial Board, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]Ground Magazine represents the work of many passionate volunteers. If that sounds like you, come join the team! You do not need to be an OALA member or landscape architect to contribute to either the Editorial Board or the magazine, and anyone who expresses interest will be seriously considered.