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Landscape Architecture Registration Examination
About the L.A.R.E.
The Landscape Architect Registration Examination (L.A.R.E.) is designed to determine whether applicants for landscape architectural licensure possess sufficient knowledge, skills and abilities to provide landscape architectural services without endangering the health, safety and welfare of the public. Successful completion of the Landscape Architect Registration Examination (L.A.R.E.) is required for licensure as a landscape architect in the 49 states, four Canadian provinces (Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba) and the territory of Puerto Rico that regulate the profession of landscape architecture.
The L.A.R.E. is exactly the same in every jurisdiction. The same exam is administered on the same days and under the same conditions and all exams are uniformly graded by CLARB. The L.A.R.E. consists of a four-part fully computerized examinations. Each section receives a pass or fail score independently from the other sections. All sections must be passed in order to be granted licensure.
The L.A.R.E. is administered across the United States and Canada on dates established by CLARB. All sections of the exam are administered by CLARB using a national system of computer testing centres.
It is important for L.A.R.E. applicants to contact the licensure board in the state or province in which they wish to take the test and become initially licensed to determine the requirements, application deadlines and specific information about the test schedule and locations. (See Eligibility to write L.A.R.E. in Ontario on this page.)
For all sections of the L.A.R.E., CLARB establishes the deadlines for completion of the online application. Candidates may check these deadlines on the CLARB website. It is often best for candidates to apply for the L.A.R.E exams as soon as possible in order to make early test center reservations. Test centers have a limited number of seats and are filled on a first come, first served basis. CLARB partners with Pearson VUE Test Centres to administer the L.A.R.E. You can take any section of the L.A.R.E. in any Pearson VUE Test Centre that offers the L.A.R.E. regardless of where you wish to become initially licensed. After you register for the L.A.R.E., CLARB will send you an email with instructions about how to select your test center and schedule your exam appointment.
Eligibility to write the L.A.R.E. in Ontario
In Ontario, all OALA members are eligible to create a CLARB record and register to write the L.A.R.E. Students of LAAB or LAAC accredited programs in Ontario who have registered with the OALA as a Student Affiliate Member may register with CLARB, and list Ontario as their jurisdiction.
The Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards (CLARB) requires that all L.A.R.E. candidates be a CLARB Council Record Holder (CCR). This allows CLARB to track candidates through the exams, licensure in various jurisdictions, track CE, monitor employment experience and more. If you plan on being licensed in several jurisdictions, you may wish to maintain your CCR following your completion of the L.A.R.E.
Should you wish to re-instate your CCR fees may apply. For complete details on the CCR please contact CLARB directly.
Quick Links to Register for the L.A.R.E.
Once an OALA Member has registered with CLARB (picking the section, state and paying), the OALA member will redirect to PSI and select an appointment.
Booking the exam from the Register for Exam Page: In order to schedule with PSI, the member will go under “My profile” and click on “schedule/reschedule your exam appointment”. This will allow the member to pick the location, day and time.
Resources to help you prepare for the L.A.R.E.
CLARB Resources
OALA Resources
- Learn more details about the LARE Exam from the OALA Handbook
- Join the OALA LARE Study forum (Google group): this is an open forum where those studying for exams can ask questions or share information.
- Visit the OALA Library: We stock all CLARB recommended readings at our office library. You are welcome to come and use the library during office hours or email [email protected] to request books be mailed to you.
- Speak to another member one on one: The Registrar has a list of a members who have passed the exams and are willing to speak to others to offer support. Please contact the Registrar, [email protected], to make arrangements.
- Find a study buddy/group: Study groups can make the difference between a fail/pass by working on questions together, sharing resources, and discussion of topics.
- Professional Development Plan and L.A.R.E. Comparison: The OALA Examining Board has created this comparison document of the OALA Professional Development Program Summary Chart and the L.A.R.E. The document outlines the relevant PDP activities for each exam.
- Join the OALA, AALA, BCSLA, MALA volunteer-led L.A.R.E. prep webinars
- OALA, AALA, BCSLA and MALA try to host webinars to go over LARE prep strategies and answer questions. Below are some resources from these workshops.
- February 27, 2024 - Recording of L.A.R.E. Prep Session: Construction Documentation and Administration (CDA) with Sarah Gronquist, ALSA, PLA 4953
- October 19, 2023 - Recording of L.A.R.E. Prep Session: Construction Documentation and Administration (CDA) and Inventory, Analysis, and Project Management (IAP) (with Sarah Gronquist, ALSA, PLA 4953) - Resources
- June 24, 2023 - Recording of L.A.R.E. Study Session
- June 21, 2023 - Recording of L.A.R.E. Prep Session: Section 3 (with Sarah Gronquist, ASLA, PLA 4953)
- February 21, 2023 - Recording of L.A.R.E Prep Session: Section 4 (with Sarah Gronquist, ASLA, PLA 4953) - Recommended reading list
- February 2023 - Recording of L.A.R.E. Overview Webinar
- October 2022 – Recording of L.A.R.E. Study Session
- June 2022 – Study tips and tricks and registration information for the L.A.R.E.
- Study Group webinar hosted by OALA Interns outlining general tips and tricks and added notes on navigating registration with the new provider, PSI.
- February 2022 General Information on the Exam
- Recording of February 2, 2019 Webinar (with Alana Evers, OALA, reviewing CLARB sample questions and taking Q&A)
- Recording of March 2019 Webinar (with Emily Parker from CLARB – outline of process for taking the exams)
- Recording of July 2019 Webinar (hosted by OALA Intern Reps covering structure of each section and study tips)
- Recording of March 2020 L.A.R.E. Webinar (hosted by OALA Intern Reps covering general information on the L.A.R.E. and Q&A)
- Recording of July 2020 L.A.R.E. Webinar (hosted by OALA Intern Reps: Overview of the LARE Process for Intern members of the AALA, OALA, and BCSLA)
- Oct 24, 2020: Exam Study Tips for LARE Section 1 (presented by BCSLA Registered Landscape Architect Tamara Bonnemaison – focus on Section 1 and study tips)
- Recording of July 2021 Study Group Webinar covering section 4 (hosted by Sarah Thomas and John Musil, MBC SLA)
Additional Study Support for the L.A.R.E.
Please note that OALA does not endorse any courses, but provides this list as reference. To learn what other members think about these courses and tools, join the OALA Study Google group. Examples of suggestions from the L.A.R.E. Study Group are noted below.
- LAREprep offers two practice exams for each section and is a good study resource. Our Intern reps have used them before and found them to be helpful as they are set-up the same as if you were writing the CLARB exam. The practice exams can be purchased online and allow for 90 days of access.
- SGLA Technical Training offers LARE Preparatory Course webinars that include a comprehensive review of the exam topics and a framework for structuring your study time effectively.