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The Ring - CCxA

Ground 58

President's Message
Editorial Board Message
Streetscape: Impact through Design
The Impact of a Municipal Landscape Architect
Landscape Architecture Goes to the Polls
Balancing Act: Providing Public Access to Hamilton's Waterfalls
CSLA Awards: Awards of Excellence - Ontario Region
OALA Awards
Letter from... Sicily: Greetings from Marina di Ragusa
Notes: A miscellany of news and events
Artifact: Political Landscapes


Glyn Bowerman

Photo Editor
Jasper Flores

OALA Editorial Board
Saira Abdulrehman
Chris Canning 

Tracy Cook
Everett DeJong 

Eric Gordon
Mark Hillmer
Helene Iardas
Eric Klaver
Sarah Manteuffel
Nadja Pausch (Chair)
Dalia Todary-Michael

Web Editor
Jennifer Foden

Social Media Manager
Jennifer Foden

Art Direction/Design
Noël Nanton/typotherapy

Advertising Inquiries
[email protected]

Detail from a model for the Mount Pearl City Centre Renewal Plan. Courtesy of Mills & Wright Landscape Architecture / CSLA. See page 20.

Ground: Landscape Architect Quarterly is published four times 
a year by the Ontario Association 
of Landscape Architects.

Ontario Association of Landscape Architects
3 Church Street, Suite 506
Toronto, Ontario M5E 1M2

[email protected]

Copyright © 2022 by the Ontario 
Association of Landscape Architects. Contributors retain copyright of their work.
All rights reserved. ISSN: 0847-3080 Canada Post Sales Product 
Agreement No. 40026106

2022-2023 OALA Governing Council

Steve Barnhart

Vice President
Stefan Fediuk

Cameron Smith

Justin Whalen

Past President
Jane Welsh

Matthew Campbell
Aaron Hirota
Shawn Watters

Associate Councillor—Senior
Jenny Trinh

Associate Councillor—Junior
Layal Bitar

Lay Councillor
Karen Liu

Appointed Educator
University of Guelph
Nadia Amoroso

Appointed Educator
University of Toronto

University of Guelph
Student Representative
Tatijana Vukovic

University of Toronto
Student Representative
Natasha Raseta

OALA Staff

Executive Director

Aina Budrevics 

Ingrid Little

Sherry Bagnato

Membership Services
Angie Anselmo

About Ground

Ground: Landscape Architect Quarterly is published by the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects and provides an open forum for the exchange of ideas and information related to the profession of landscape architecture. Letters to the editor, article proposals, and feedback are encouraged. For submission guidelines, contact Ground at [email protected]. Ground reserves the right to edit all submissions. The views expressed in the magazine are those of the writers and not necessarily the views of the 
OALA and its Governing Council.

Upcoming Issues of Ground

Ground 59 (Fall)

Ground 60 (Winter)

Deadline for advertising space reservations:
October 5, 2022

In Ground 57, Spring 2022, photos 02-04 and 09 of the “Decolonizing Landscape Architecture” round table should have been credited to Sheila Boudreau, instead of the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design. We regret the error.

Moreover, Ground would like to apologize for not making specific mention by name in the captions for these photos of the Nikibii Dawadinna Giigwag – Indigenous Youth Access Program at the University of Toronto, and the work Elder Whabagoon and Daniels Faculty Associate Professor Liat Margolis continue to do to develop a land-based program, which introduces Indigenous youth to postsecondary education and career pathways in landscape architecture and environmental sciences.

About the OALA

The Ontario Association of Landscape Architects works to promote and advance the profession of landscape architecture and maintain standards of professional practice consistent with the public interest. The OALA promotes 
public understanding of the profession and the advancement of the practice of landscape architecture. In support 
of the improvement and/or conservation of the natural, cultural, social and built environments, the OALA undertakes activities including promotion to governments, professionals and developers of the standards and benefits of landscape architecture.

Ground Advisory Panel

Advisory Panel Message and a Call to All for Contributions

In an effort to streamline the editorial process for Ground, and after much deliberation, the Editorial Board has decided to dissolve the Advisory Panel. 

Ground would like to express heartfelt thanks to Panel members, past and present, for their contributions to over 50 issues of the magazine.

This was a difficult decision, but one we are confident will maintain the energy and imagination necessary for future issues.

What is needed most, at this time, is a robust and diverse Editorial Board and contributing writers. Anyone interested in joining is encouraged to email [email protected], Subject Line: Volunteering.

 You do not need to be an OALA member or landscape architect to contribute to either the Editorial Board or the magazine, and anyone who expresses interest will be seriously considered.