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Ground 43 - Fall 2018 - Legacy

President’s Message: Celebrating 50 years of landscape architecture in Ontario
Publisher’s Message: Celebrating 10 years of Ground: Landscape Architect Quarterly
Timeline: 1868-2018 - A 150-year timeline of the profession of landscape architecture in Ontario and beyond
2008–2018: Ten years of Ground
Five Decades of Outstanding Landscape Architecture in Ontario: Pre-1968 to 2018
E-Blast: What drew you to landscape architecture?
Reflections: Interviews conducted by members of the OALA Legacy Task Force and the Ground Editorial Board
Delving into the History of Edwin Kay, a CSLA Founder
Hancock Woodlands: A legacy in landscape
Preserving Our Past for the Future: The Centre for Canadian Landscape Architecture Archives
Building the Cultural Landscape of Tomorrow


Lorraine Johnson

Photo Editor
Jasper Flores

OALA Editorial Board
Julius Aquino
Shannon Baker
Trish Clarke
Jasper Flores
Eric Gordon
Ruthanne Henry
Vincent Javet
Eric Klaver
James MacDonald Nelson
Todd Smith (chair)
Katie Strang
Andrew Taylor
Dalia Todary-Michael
Jane Welsh

Web Editor
Jennifer Foden

Social Media Manager
Jennifer Foden

Art Direction/Design

Advertising Inquiries
[email protected]

Cover artwork by Noël Nanton

Ground: Landscape Architect Quarterly is published four times a year by the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects. The views expressed in Ground are those of the contributors and not necessarily the views of the OALA and its Governing Council.

Ground can be reached at [email protected].

Ontario Association of Landscape Architects
3 Church Street, Suite 506
Toronto, Ontario M5E 1M2
[email protected]

Copyright © 2018 by the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects.
Contributors retain copyright of their work.
All rights reserved.
ISSN: 0847-3080
Canada Post Sales Product Agreement No. 40026106

See www.groundmag.ca to download articles and share content on social media.

2018 OALA Governing Council

Jane Welsh

Vice President
Kendall Flower

Steve Barnhart

Stefan Fediuk

Past President
Doris Chee

Cynthia Graham
Cameron Smith
Justin Whalen

Associate Councillor—Senior
Trish Clarke

Associate Councillor—Junior
Mark Hillmer

Lay Councillor

Appointed Educator University of Toronto
Peter North

Appointed Educator University of Guelph
Brendan Stewart

University of Toronto Student Representative
Elspeth Holland

University of Guelph Student Representative
Robyn McCormick

OALA Staff

Executive Director
Aina Budrevics

Ingrid Little

Sarah Manteuffel

Ground Advisory Panel

  • Andrew B. Anderson, BLA, MSc. World Heritage Management Landscape & Heritage Expert, Oman Botanic Garden
  • John Danahy, OALA, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
  • George Dark, OALA, FCSLA, ASLA, Principal, Urban Strategies Inc., Toronto
  • Real Eguchi, OALA, Eguchi Associates Landscape Architects, Toronto
  • Donna Hinde, OALA, FCSLA, Partner, The Planning Partnership, Toronto
  • Ryan James, OALA, Senior Landscape Architect, Novatech, Ottawa
  • Alissa North, OALA, Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Principal of North Design Office, Toronto
  • Peter North, OALA, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto, Principal of North Design Office, Toronto
  • Nathan Perkins, MLA, PhD, ASLA, Associate Professor, University of Guelph
  • Victoria Taylor, OALA, Principal, Victoria Taylor Landscape Architect, Toronto
  • Jim Vafiades, OALA, FCSLA, Senior Landscape Architect, Stantec, Toronto