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Peitree Yaoliang Eco Resort - PFS Studio

Ground 48

President’s Message: A message from Jane Welsh, OALA President
Editorial Board Message: A message from Eric Klaver, Chair, Ground Editorial Board
CanPlant: A native plant database

Trees First: Queen’s Park revisited
Design Competition: Hamilton’s grand entrance
Notes: A miscellany of news and events
Endangered Landscapes
Round Table: Resilient renewal
A Once-in-a-Lifetime, Never-Before Place: Ontario Place was a declaration of optimism
Growing Grit: Resilient planting in aggregate substrates


Glyn Bowerman

Photo Editor
Jasper Flores

OALA Editorial Board
Kanwal Aftab
Shannon Baker
Trish Clarke
Jasper Flores
Eric Gordon
Aaron Hernandez
Eric Klaver (chair)
Phaedra Maicantis
Nadja Pausch
Le’ Ann Seely
Katie Strang
Sarah Turkenicz
Andrew Taylor
Devin Tepleski

Web Editor
Jennifer Foden

Social Media Manager
Jennifer Foden

Art Direction/Design
Noël Nanton/typotherapy

Advertising Inquiries
[email protected]

Photograph of Lake Erie algal bloom by Zachary Haslick, Aerial Associates Photography Inc., Courtesy of NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Flickr, Creative Commons License. See page 08.

Ground: Landscape Architect Quarterly is published four times a year by the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects.

Ontario Association of Landscape Architects
3 Church Street, Suite 506
Toronto, Ontario M5E 1M2
[email protected]

Copyright © 2019 by the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects.
Contributors retain copyright of their work. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 0847-3080
Canada Post Sales Product Agreement No. 40026106

2019–2020 OALA Governing Council

Jane Welsh

Vice President
Kendall Flower

Steve Barnhart

Stefan Fediuk

Past President
Doris Chee

Cynthia Graham
Cameron Smith
Justin Whalen

Associate Councillor—Senior
Mark Hillmer

Associate Councillor—Junior
Leah Lanteigne

Lay Councillor
Peter Hersics

Appointed Councillor
Liat Margolis

Appointed Educator University of Guelph
Brendan Stewart

Appointed Educator University of Toronto

University of Guelph Student Representative
Devon Kleinjan

University of Toronto Student Representative
Elspeth Holland

OALA Staff

Executive Director
Aina Budrevics

Ingrid Little

Sarah Manteuffel