This award recognizes scholarly activities and/or the development of innovative practices and the publication and dissemination of this knowledge for the betterment of the profession and the greater good. This may include: academic papers, research, publications, books, e-applications or public presentations, which contribute to the knowledge base that furthers the advancement of the art, science and practice of landscape architecture.
The nominee may be a member of the OALA in any category of membership, or a non-member, whose research has made a significant contribution to the knowledge base that furthers the advancement of the profession of landscape architecture.
The nominator shall be a member of OALA in any of the categories of membership or a Committee of the OALA.
A minimum of 1 letter of endorsement is required by, any member of the OALA in any category of membership; or a non-member professionally acquainted with the nominee’s scholarly or innovative work.
Recent recipients of the OALA Research & Innovation Award are: